Acceptance: Major Label Guinea Pigs

Acceptance is a Tooth & Nail artist a couple of decades in the making. They just made and released their first album on Tooth & Nail called Wild, Free this year. But it was right here in the Seattle/Tacoma area where Acceptance was founded in 2003, right at the time that Tooth & Nail was transitioning to the new sound with the explosion of the 2nd generation. Acceptance, who were first generation Tooth & Nail kids, teamed up with Aaron Sprinkle, and instead of taking the indie path, they were one of the first bands to be scooped up by a major label right off the bat and in a lot of ways were the major’s guinea pigs. they created a landmark album called Phantoms that became a legend of the scene, but the band never truly found a groove before disbanding in 2006. Their music, however, would continue to rise in popularity thereafter, and is still known as a flagship Seattle band.
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Acceptance “Take Cover”
Craig’s Brother “Insult to Injury”
Acceptance “Permanent”
Acceptance “So Contagious”
Acceptance “Cold Air”
Acceptance “Wildfires”

AcceptanceMFepisode, s2